PHOSPHORESCENCE & FLUORESCENCE EXHIBITION This exhibition is full of amazing art, unique creativity and artful events that are not to be missed. If this looks like a lot happening all in one night, it is.....and it's going to be exciting and fun. We promise!
Curated by opto-kinetic geometrical abstract painter, James Flynn. Artwork includes 2D, 3D, video and performance under black light.
Opening Reception November 17th, 5:30-10 pm
November 17- January 5, 2019 Throughout the opening reception we will feature art films, performance art, glass and clay demonstrations, art-selfie photo room, interactive mural painting. Don't forget to start planning your "Bring Your Own Dinner Party" table! We are celebrating the last opening of the year.....in a big GLOWING way!
Exhibiting Artists: Sergio Alvarez, Gayle Andersson, Steve Barney, Jolean Barkley,Peter Barnitz, Corrine Barreca, Brian Borello, Marcus Brown, Hunter Cole, Dodie Connor, Rick Dobbs, James Flynn, Silas Fortuin, Mitchell Gaudet, Ryan Gianelloni, Jack Gunter, Cheryl Hayes, Scharonne Herrington, Brent Houzenga, Christina Juran, Erica Larkin Gaudet, Cameron Lartique, Lisa Loth, Ann Madden, Donna Martin, Steve Martin, Miro Hoffman, Kelly Mueller, Janelle Mullen, Katherine Norman, Nonney Oddlokken, Keith Perelli, Dominic Pitts, Francesca Pumilia, Sally Richards, Dan Rule, Solange Ledwith, Ember Soberman, Bonnie Vallery, James Vella, John Isiah Walton Wendo, Barbara Zitzmann
“Bring Your Own Dinner Party”
Yes, BYODP.....just like you did at the Vibrense art opening, let's do it again. Gather your neighbors, family or friends and bring the party to us. Celebrate, as we close down Coleman Avenue in front of our building and provide the space for you to: Bring tables, chairs, food, drinks and any other party enhancements and set up on the street. It's a block party during the art exhibition just steps away from the beach!
Glassblowing Demonstration by Solange Ledwith
During the evening Solange Ledwith will be doing her incredible glassblowing demonstrations & workshops from her mobile glass furnace. Who doesn't love HOT GLASS?
Interactive PAINT BY NUMBERS mural by Wendo & Jolean "Live from the Moon"
In addition to all of the wonderful art, glass demonstrations & performances we invite you to join us in creating a PAINT BY NUMBERS MURAL in black light on our workshop wall. This mural shows the colorful and visual impact of lunar activity on humans and our environment. Artists Wendo & Jolean Barkley are the artists creating and helping you make your lunar BRUSHSTROKE!
"PAINT WITH MUSIC" by Marcus Brown
Marcus Brown's performance works using his sound producing art-instruments such as interactive canvas and interactive brushes. PAINT WITH MUSIC is a band / performance group that Brown formed to bring his musical painting work to a live audiences and to collaborate with other musicians in the process of making a work of art. Marcus Brown literally paints or draws with his self-created sound producing art-instruments while singing hip-hop / rock vocals on top of a dark electronic-hop backdrop.
STEAMpunk Pottery Project by Steve Barney
Steve Barney, known as "The Mad Potter of Bay St. Louis", has created the kinetic sculpture made from antique motors, machine parts, belts, pulleys, flywheels, and mannequin arms used to make pottery. Come see the only potter in the world to hang upside down and make pots in the shape of his head.�He will be performing and demonstrating throughout the evening....and he's fascinating to watch!!!
Short film By Prof. Vincenzo Mistretta of the USM Film Program "Hand Made"
The images of this film were created by hand manipulating existing found footage or painted and scratched on clear and black leader. Inspired by the early American Avant-Garde materialist films by Stan Brakhage.
Experimental Film Screening By: USM Experimental Film Students "Hand Made Films"
A series of short cameraless abstract animation films created by painting and drawing directly on celluloid and chemically manipulating found footage.
Art Films/ by Hunter Cole "Dancing with Light: Dancing by the Light of Bioluminescent Bacteria"
Video series of dances by the light of bioluminescent bacteria with new music. A film composed based on DNA and protein sequence involved in bioluminescence. The themes are based on functions of bioluminescence including communication, predator-prey relationships, and mating.
New Orleans-based artist and scientist Hunter Cole produces work that is inspired by science, but lives as art. Cole, who holds a PhD in genetics, reinterprets science through art by using bioluminescent bacteria. Cole is a member of the faculty of Loyola University New Orleans.
Sound Art Installation By: USM Sound Design Students "Audio Postcard"
Audio Postcard is a short audio piece that tells a listener about a place without using narration. It will place the listener smack in the middle of the sights, sounds, smells, and mood of a place or an event.
Glow With The Flow Arts and Performance By Moon Bug See less
Power in Numbers
Project Gallery